Women of Grace

Birthday Card Ministry for the Incarcerated

Friday, February 21
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Dining Room

To serve the poor, the imprisoned, the hungry, the forgotten is to serve Jesus – Father Kevin Finnegan

Birthday cards are an attainable way for parishioners interested in a meaningful way to minister to the imprisoned and forgotten. Training is provided and includes guidelines to ensure privacy for the writers and recipients. RSVPs appreciated but not required at 952-929-3317.

OLG's partnership with Twin Cities Prison Ministry, the coordinating body for prison ministry for the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, provides many opportunities to serve the incarcerated and returned citizens that include: prayer companions, pen pals, extraordinary minister/assist priest with Mass, OCIA, bible study, mentoring and much more.

Contact Jeff Skinner at tcpm.jeff@gmail for more information about the Prison Ministry at OLG.

Upcoming Dates: February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21 and December 19.

This card made my day, the words you sent to me mean more than you can imagine.
— Minnesota inmate expressing thanks for receiving a birthday card from OLG's Prison Ministry

Women of Grace February Gathering

Thursday, February 13, 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Cassidy Hall
Panel Discussion on the Mass and the Eucharist

Join PES Sister, Sr. Julieta, our new associate pastor Fr. Sean, and our school campus minister, Caitlin as they share their own experiences of the Eucharist. There will an opportunity to ask your questions to the panel.

Click here for complete details on Women of Grace and the 2025 gathering schedule.

Small Group for Husbands and Fathers

Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes to lead in your family? We are looking for men who are hungry to learn more about their faith and how to pass that onto their children.

The most important factor in a child’s faith decisions is the faith of their parents! Becoming Provider is more than putting food on the table!

This Small Group will meet for eight on Tuesday evenings at 7:30-9:00 PM, February 11 thruough May 13.

Cost is $85. Register at Cana Family Institute or email Kory LaCroix for more information.

Lunch and Learn: Catholic Cemeteries Green Burial

Thursday, February 6, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Dining Room

Are you curious about the option of a Catholic ‘Green Burial’, an organic return to the earth at the end of life?  When the body of Jesus was removed from the cross, it was washed, wrapped in a cloth shroud, and placed in a tomb.  When a loved one dies, we commit the body to the earth, “For we are dust and to dust we shall return.”  People are taking this belief to heart with a desire to return to a more natural, less industrial approach to death and burial, while maintaining reverence for the deceased.  Come hear from the Executive Director of The Catholic Cemeteries discuss Catholic ‘Green Burial’; ask questions, and take away information for others in your family who want to learn more about this environmentally friendly option.

Registration is not required, but highly admired. Simply contact the Parish Secretary at parishsecretary@olgparish.org or 952-929-3317.


Into the Depths Speaker Series with Dr. William Stevenson

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Dining Room
Speaker: Dr. William Stevenson
Title:  Jesus’s Atoning Death and the Meaning of the Mass

What does Jesus actually accomplish on the Cross?  How does His death have the power to save me from my sins?  We will address these and other questions, as well as show how a deeper understanding of the Atonement can transform our understanding of the Mass and better dispose us to receive the graces that Jesus offers us there.

Dr. William Stevenson is the Associate Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Saint Paul Seminary.  He has also taught courses in the Department of Catholic Studies and is a frequent lecturer for the Catechetical Institute.  In addition, he is a member of the USCCB’s National Evangelical-Catholic Ecumenical Dialogue.

If you have questions, contact Jessica Balzarini.


Teaching Mass: Walk through the Mass Step-By-Step with Father Kevin

Monday, February 3, 6:15 - 7:45 PM in the Church and Commons

The Walk through the Mass Step-By-Step with Fr. Kevin and Fr. Nick is a great place to learn more about the why behind what we do!

Come and discover the deeper meaning of the items we use and the gestures we do! 

Have you ever wondered why we cross our forehead, lips, and chest at the Gospel?  Have you ever wondered what Father says to himself sometimes during the Mass?   Have you ever wondered when exactly does Jesus become present on the altar?

Join us for A Walk through the Mass Step-by-Step with Father Kevin and Father Nick. You’ll receive a worship aide with additional fun facts, scripture references, and deeper insights into the prayers. The Teaching Mass will be a great way to kick off this year’s theme, Remain in Me and Bear Much Fruit. By learning about what we do at Mass and why we do it, we will come to a greater understanding of this great prayer the Lord has given us. What we come to know, we are more likely to love, and what we love, we desire to share.

If you have questions, please contact Jessica. Childcare is available.


School of Charism Discovery

Tuesdays, January 28 - April 1, 2025
7:00 - 9:00 PM, Cassidy Hall

Our Lady of Grace is hosting the Archdiocesan 10-week School of Charism Discovery.

Encounter more deeply the power of the Holy Spirit and learn about the charisms he has gifted the Body of Christ. See how they are exercised within the Church and what charisms God might be gifting you!

Prerequisite to the course, all participants must have attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar or similar retreat focusing on the Holy Spirit, such as a Fan into Flame retreat.

If you have questions, please contact Jessica.


Join a Small Group

There are many different topics covered, and groups for all stages of life. If you're interested in joining a group, click here to find a group that works for you!

Are you called to start a small group? Maybe there's not a small group happening when it's convenient for you, or perhaps you feel called to help others (yourself included) get to know and love Jesus better in a small group setting. If so, contact Jessica or Tyler for more information.