Archdiocesan Synod Year 2
Implementation At OLG:
Continue to establish Small Groups at OLG. Create a structure to shepherd leaders as they continue to lead small groups.
Implement a Teaching Mass for the entire Parish
Throughout the 2024-2025 ministry year offer a Teaching Mass, or a modified version, within particular demographics such as OLG School families, Faith Formation families, Youth Group, etc.
Speaker Series as an extension of Teaching Mass to bring deeper understanding of the Mass and the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Implement ways for people to encounter the “stuff” at Mass such as Church and sacristy tours.
Archbishop Hebda on Year 2
Deacon Michalak on the great work done in Year 1 and how we will move into Year 2.
Read Archbishop Hebda’s Year 1 Pastoral Letter.
If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Balzarini, Associate for Discipleship at OLG.
Synod Implementation at OLG…
We are in the implementation stage of the Archdiocesan Synod process. We are here because of the generosity and dedication of many parishioners and staff who participated in the Synod Consultation process or represented the parish at the Synod Assembly.
We appreciate the volunteers and staff on the diocesan level who prayerfully worked through the thousands of forms and even more comments in order to give informed feedback to Archbishop Hebda.
Archdiocesan Evangelization Prayer:
“Holy Spirit, renew your wonders in our time, as though in a new Pentecost, and grant that this Archdiocese, united in prayer around Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and guided by St. Peter, may spread the Kingdom of the divine Savior, a Kingdom of truth, of justice, of love, and of peace. Amen.”
Adapted from the Prayer of St. John XXIII at the calling of the Second Vatican Council.