Cantors & Musicians

There are many opportunities to cantor at Our Lady of Grace. All cantor positions require an audition. Contact Dr. Christopher Wallace, Music Director/Organist, at 612-554-3350 or e-mail at to arrange an audition or if you’re interested in playing an instrument at Mass.


Schola Cantorum

The Schola Cantorum is a traditional choir open to anyone in high school or older and sings at 9:30 AM Masses throughout the year and additional services as needed. If you enjoy exploring the music of the Church, four-part harmony and chant, we invite you to come and join us! No audition is required. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the Church. Contact Dr. Christopher Wallace, Music Director/Organist, at 612-554-3350 or e-mail at if you wish to join or need further information.

Jubilate Children’s Choir

3rd and 4th graders can join the Jubilate Kids Choir. They perform at Christmas Mass and Easter Mass. Singers can participate in either or both performances. Rehearsals are Sundays at 10:30 AM. Parent helpers are needed. Contact Mary Jo Cole at or 952-334-0165 for more information and to register. Learn new music, make new friends and share your musical gifts!