Golden Opportunities

Welcome to our newest ministry, Golden Opportunities! This ministry will host events for empty-nesters, retirees, and all those in the Golden stage of life! Please check out below the variety of events, fieldtrips and learning opportunities over the next few months.

Golden Opportunities: Lunch and Learn

Join us for our free Lunch and Learn events from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM in the Dining Room. Registration is not required, but highly admired. Simply contact the Parish Secretary at or 952-929-3317.

I want to thank you for such a nice outing yesterday to Cosetta’s and the St. Paul Cathedral. It was so nice to have such a warm group of people and so informative on my first visit to the Cathedral. Thank you again for organizing a great day, as time goes on I hope to participate in more adventures!
— Patty L

Thursday, September 19 - Hear from Jason Adkins Esq., Executive Director of Minnesota Catholic Conference, speak on general topics of faithful citizenship and catholic social teaching in time for the fall elections. 

Tuesday, October 22 - Ever wondered what the meaning is of all the special clothing the Pro Ecclesia Sancta (PES) Sisters wear? Curious about how the sisters spend their days? What are the special charisms of the PES sisters? Here’s your chance to have lunch with the Sisters and ask all your questions about religious life.

Thursday, November 14 - Hear from Allison Oja, Director of Community Support & Education with Minnesota Hospice, speak on the topic of Hospice Basics.

Golden Opportunities: On the Go!

The On the Go! complete details and required registration for each event can be found at the bottom of this page.

Wednesday-Friday, October 2-4 - Overnight Wisconsin Pilgrimage with Father Kevin. Click here for details and to register.

Wednesday, November 20 – Chanhassen Dinner Theater White Christmas matinee and private room dinner with Father Kevin. Click here for details and to register.

Tuesday, December 3 – Christmas Lights Bus Tour with Father Kevin. Click here for details and to register.

Golden Opportunities: Senior Support

Second Friday of each month at 9:30 AM – Widow Coffee in the Dining Room

Tuesday, September 10 – The 55+ Driver Discount Course will be offered in the OLG DIning Room. This is a state approved accident prevention/insurance discount course that is taught be a certified instructor from Precision Driving Center, qualifying participants for 10% discount on auto premiums. Cost is $24/person. To register, call 320-308-1400 and give course #54291.

Golden Opportunities: Seniors Serve

Click here for a full list of Parish-wide volunteering opportunities.