Into the depths

Into the Depths Speaker Series with Dr. William Stevenson

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Dining Room
Speaker: Dr. William Stevenson
Title:  Jesus’s Atoning Death and the Meaning of the Mass

What does Jesus actually accomplish on the Cross?  How does His death have the power to save me from my sins?  We will address these and other questions, as well as show how a deeper understanding of the Atonement can transform our understanding of the Mass and better dispose us to receive the graces that Jesus offers us there.

Dr. William Stevenson is the Associate Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Saint Paul Seminary.  He has also taught courses in the Department of Catholic Studies and is a frequent lecturer for the Catechetical Institute.  In addition, he is a member of the USCCB’s National Evangelical-Catholic Ecumenical Dialogue.

If you have questions, contact Jessica Balzarini.