Jennifer Beutz

Associate Director of Pastoral Care, Outreach & Mission

Phone: 952-929-3317 x9040

As part of the Pastoral Care team at Our Lady of Grace, Jennifer strives to listen with the ear of the heart in her service to parishioners and all who she encounters. She serves as the primary contact for the Golden Opportunities ministry which is designed for empty-nesters, retirees, and all those in the Golden stage of life! The GO ministry was inspired to create faith-based educational, social, and cultural experiences, providing opportunities for engagement within our parish and the wider community.

Jennifer has a heart for widows and supports the annual Archdiocesan Widows Day of Reflection hosted at Our Lady of Grace. Excelling in project work, she helps to plan and execute Pastoral Care special events and retreat experiences. She also partners with passionate volunteers and partner agencies to advocate for ProLife ministry initiatives at OLG. 

In her spare time, she is a photographer and freelance writer, having been published in the Catholic Spirit, the Star Tribune, and as a guest columnist with WINE, Women in the New Evangelization. 

Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself.” — Pope St. John Paul II