School of Charism Discovery

Tuesdays, January 28 - April 1, 2025
7:00 - 9:00 PM, Cassidy Hall

Our Lady of Grace is hosting the Archdiocesan 10-week School of Charism Discovery.

Encounter more deeply the power of the Holy Spirit and learn about the charisms he has gifted the Body of Christ. See how they are exercised within the Church and what charisms God might be gifting you!

Prerequisite to the course, all participants must have attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar or similar retreat focusing on the Holy Spirit, such as a Fan into Flame retreat.

If you have questions, please contact Jessica.


Join a Small Group

There are many different topics covered, and groups for all stages of life. If you're interested in joining a group, click here to find a group that works for you!

Are you called to start a small group? Maybe there's not a small group happening when it's convenient for you, or perhaps you feel called to help others (yourself included) get to know and love Jesus better in a small group setting. If so, contact Jessica or Tyler for more information.

Christmas Giving

Every gift helps the Our Lady of Grace to continue to live our mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved. Thank you for supporting life and mission of Our Lady of Grace through your sharing of gifts, your financial generosity, and your prayer.

End of Year Planning

Please note that the end of taxable year giving deadline for cash gifts brought to our office is Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and checks must be dated and postmarked by the USPS no later than December 31, 2024.

Please also note that the OLG Parish Office is closed December 24, 25, 31, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Jon Cassady, Director of Advancement, 952-929-3317 (x9054).

Join a Small Group

OLG Small Groups Living Faith and Life Together

Small Groups draw adults into transformative friendship with Jesus and with one another.

A small group consists of 6-12 people gathered around the Word of God for friendship, spiritual growth, and prayer.

There are a variety of groups meeting different days and time.  Find one that works for you!

If you don’t find one that fits please contact Jessica Balzarini or click here for details on Small Groups at OLG.

During the Lenten season we had over 250 parishioners and friends are participate in the small groups. Our Parish offers a heartfelt thank you to the small group leaders.  These dedicated leaders have been committed to our Archdiocesan movement of evangelization this Lent. Our hope is that this is the first spark at OLG that desires to build a culture of small groups growing in faith together.  

Saints' Relics Permanent Installation

Sunday, January 14 | Masses

Join us for this very special dedication Mass for the permanent installation of the relics in OLG's care.

We are building permanent displays for the relics (remains) of Saints in our possession. These will be placed in the main body of the Church and dedicated on January 14, 2024, so that we all may venerate and model the witnesses of Christ that came before us. All you holy men and women, pray for us!

As we prepare for the permanent installation in the Church space of the more than 25 relics in OLG's care, it is important to understand the why of it all. Relics are a part of our Catholic inheritance. Veneration of them has existed from the start of the Church community (and has a basis in the Old Testament). We honor the relics of Saints because we honor their fidelity to Christ. And by reflecting on the lives of these holy men and women, we indelibly draw closer to Him.

To learn more about relics, click here.

Become an Our Lady of Grace Stephen Minister

Stephen Minister Training starts soon!

Training takes place every other Monday from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville from Monday, November 27, 2023 through Monday, April 8, 2024.

Click here to learn more about the training.

Applications for Stephen Ministers are due by November 15th. Please submit the completed application to Beryl Schewe at The training costs $50 for materials.

Contact Beryl at 952-999-9035 for more information or to set up an interview.

Men at Mass / First Friday Devotions

Men at Mass / First Friday Devotion

The Men Club assembles on the first Friday of each month at the 6:15 AM Mass and stays for coffee and pastries after. Join us in Our Lady of Grace’s Adoration Chapel for this First Friday Devotion to celebrate the Eucharist and honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

When: 6:15 AM Mass on the first Friday of each month
Where: Our Lady of Grace Church
Resources: to learn more about this devotion, check out the Sacred Heart Institute’s website HERE.all.

Notre Dame Summer Scholars Program

This summer of 2023, the University of Notre Dame will again partner with Our Lady of Grace in Edina, Minnesota in hosting six students from Our Lady of Grace Senior High School (OLAG) in Mamponteng, Ghana, a sister school of OLG.

The six students will participate in the Notre Dame Summer Scholars Program and will also experience life at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Edina. The Notre Dame Summer Scholars Program offers them a college experience by studying one course for college credit. For two intensive weeks, they will live on campus, attend classes, meet other college-aged students and learn about college education in the United States. The goal in this program is to encourage these students to make a difference when they get back to Ghana.

The University of Notre Dame covers the entire cost of the Summer Scholars Program. OLG is helping pay for the rest of this experience and finding three families to host them while here in Minnesota.

Here's how you can support the students:

  • Donate money – we are looking to raise $24,500 to cover their travel, visas, and experience in the U.S.

  • Host two or three of these students June 5 - 10 and/or June 24 - 28 during their stay in Minnesota

  • Host a Minnesota experience, such as a day at MOA, a Twins game, a local Art Fair or a weekend at a cabin

  • Pray for a successful summer experience for our Ghanaian brothers and sisters

Contact Beryl Schewe if you’re interested in supporting our students during their stay!

The Experience:

"My voyage to the United States of America all seemed to be a dream come true… I was super excited to be selected to attend the Summer Scholars Program at a very prestigious institution like Notre Dame. I was thrilled to meet new people from all over the world. It broadened my prospects about the world and people. I learned a lot both in class and outside class. Every moment spent there brought both happiness and adventure. This was all made possible by the benevolent and welcoming hearts of every parishioner of Our Lady Of Grace... Not only did you treat us with kindness and hospitality, but you also gave us a family despite the fact we are not related in any way… Indeed every experience in Notre Dame and Minnesota was worth it and for that, I am forever grateful for the experience."

~ Timothy Giles, 2022 Participant and OLAG Graduate

“Flying to the United States was not only a dream come true for me but also a great privilege that enabled me [to] explore other opportunities for a brighter future. The experience was memorable… all thanks to the collective roles played by the parish mission and warm parishioners [of Our Lady of Grace]. As a participant of the Summer Scholars Program of the University of Notre Dame, I was able to dip my feet in a bright world of community, academics, service, spirituality, fun, as well as multiculturalism. The entire two weeks on campus, though challenging and engaging, offered a true college experience and wholesome college class sessions by the Notre Dame faculty. I owe heartfelt gratitude to God and the OLG parish for bringing my dream into reality in a beautiful way.”

~ Sincere Lugugia, 2022 Participant and OLAG Graduate