Monday, February 3, 6:15 - 7:45 PM in the Church and Commons
Come and discover the deeper meaning of the items we use and the gestures we do!
Have you ever wondered why we cross our forehead, lips, and chest at the Gospel? Have you ever wondered what Father says to himself sometimes during the Mass? Have you ever wondered when exactly does Jesus become present on the altar?
Join us for A Walk through the Mass Step-by-Step with Father Kevin and Father Nick. You’ll receive a worship aide with additional fun facts, scripture references, and deeper insights into the prayers. The Teaching Mass will be a great way to kick off this year’s theme, Remain in Me and Bear Much Fruit. By learning about what we do at Mass and why we do it, we will come to a greater understanding of this great prayer the Lord has given us. What we come to know, we are more likely to love, and what we love, we desire to share.
If you have questions, please contact Jessica. Childcare is available.