Small Group Leader Training
Wednesdays, January 22, 29, February 5, 12 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM
About Leader Training:
Sessions will run no more than 2 hours. Each session will be comprised of 4 parts: Prayer, Formation, Group Discussion, and Practical Skill Building.
Leader training will give people an opportunity to grow deeper in their own relationship with Jesus through deepening personal prayer. There is a strong formation component where we wrestle with the Church’s teaching on evangelization and our role as laity. In each session, we will learn and practice skills to help us share the Gospel more effectively and confidently.
During the training sessions, we begin building community with other potential leaders. In order to keep the integrity of the content and the relational component of the sessions intact, we ask that leaders to be committed to attending training sessions in person. Recognizing that life happens, there will be an ability to “make up” missed sessions, but non-live participation is intended to be the exception, not the rule. If you know that you will need to miss more than two sessions, there will be future offerings of the training.
Participation in the series does not commit you to leading a small group. Upon the training’s conclusion, there will be a mutual discernment between participants and our Pastor on whether each participant will lead a small group and what type of small group s/he might feel comfortable leading. This discernment period can also help you think about other supporting leadership roles within the small group, such as co-leader, hospitality, music ministry, etc.
We expect that different types of small groups will emerge. Examples include (but are not limited to): small groups among family, friends, and neighbors, or parish/pastoral groups among youth, marriage prep, RCIA, young adults, married couples, widows, etc.